Sharing knowledge and experiences for the Natural Momma

The Golden Hour After Birth: Enjoy it Momma!

The Golden Hour After Birth: Enjoy it Momma!

The first hour after baby is born is often referred to as The Golden Hour.  When momma and baby are able to spend an undisturbed hour practicing skin-to-skin care after birth, the Golden Hour has a number of benefits for both mom and baby.  This is a special...

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5 Ways to Find Out the Gender of Your Baby

5 Ways to Find Out the Gender of Your Baby

It can be an antagonizing waiting game from the time you get the exciting news that you are pregnant until the doctor can tell the gender of your baby. Believe me, I didn't find out I was having a boy until I was 7 months pregnant. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could...

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About Me

Hello, I'm Melissa the main momma in charge. I created this site to share our experiences and help other natural seeking mommas like you and I to have a collective resource to answer all of our questions.

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