by Danielle Lasher | Home Birth, Water Birth
Are you wondering how you can best prepare your home for a water birth? When we are confronted with the idea of giving birth in our home, we suddenly realize that we may not have all of the tools on hand to make such an event go off without a hitch. What do you need...
by Danielle Lasher | Home Birth, Water Birth
Pregnancy is such an exciting time in a woman’s life, and the question should I have a home birth is often one of the first that spring to mind. Mothers-to-be don’t make this choice lightly. However, home birth statistics are rather favorable for women with low-risk...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth, Water Birth
Alright, Momma. Let’s talk about natural induction! Because if you’re here, I’m guessing you’re about done being pregnant by now, or your due date has recently come and gone. Going past your due date, can mean home birth is off the table for some women (but not...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth, Water Birth
Are you one of those people that loves to ask questions? Or maybe one of the ones who’s mind always seems to draw a blank the second someone says, ‘Do you have any questions?’. Well, either way, your pregnancy and preparations for your home birth are a time when...