by Danielle Lasher | Home Birth
Natural childbirth is an amazing feat. Women have been giving birth to their babies without epidurals or other pain medications for centuries. While our modern-day society has led many astray into the belief that birthing at home without a doctor is inherently unsafe,...
by Danielle Lasher | Home Birth
Let’s start things off right, because not everyone truly understands what a doula is and what they do, even though it’s become a rather trendy thing to talk about these days in the birth circuit. What Is A Doula? Many expectant mothers enter into their...
by Danielle Lasher | Home Birth, Water Birth
There’s so much excitement surrounding a baby. We’re thrilled to try to conceive (if we get the memo that we’re TTC before we conceive, that is). We’re elated to see those two pink lines pop up on the test stick—and the other sticks that follow...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
After you give birth to your baby, your midwife will be carefully watching and waiting for the delivery of your placenta. You might not have thought too much about it before now but, what should you do with your placenta after birth? There are actually a lot...
by Whitney Mcintosh | Home Birth
It can be an antagonizing waiting game from the time you get the exciting news that you are pregnant until the doctor can tell the gender of your baby. Believe me, I didn’t find out I was having a boy until I was 7 months pregnant. Wouldn’t it be awesome...
by Danielle Lasher | Home Birth
Can I be real with you for a moment? Postpartum recovery isn’t always easy. I know, I know; we love to pretend it is. We want to believe the women who swear they were up and loving life just hours after birth—especially natural birth. I’m not saying that...