by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
The first hour after baby is born is often referred to as The Golden Hour. When momma and baby are able to spend an undisturbed hour practicing skin-to-skin care after birth, the Golden Hour has a number of benefits for both mom and baby. This is a special...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth, Water Birth
When it comes to planning your home birth, one of the most important things you can do is create a detailed, researched, and thoughtful birth plan. Now I want to say right off the bat, I hesitate to use the term “birth plan”. My own midwife exclusively uses the...
by Whitney Mcintosh | Home Birth
When we find out we’re pregnant, so many thoughts, ideas, and questions are swirling around in our heads! After all, it is the scariest, most exciting time in our lives! It gives us so much to look forward to, but with all the excitement, it can be hard to...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth, Water Birth
As a momma who is planning a home birth, or natural birth in a birth center or hospital, it’s smart to get prepared with a variety of pain management techniques and natural child birthing strategies. Approaching your birth with a toolkit of strategies and preparations...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
With your home birth approaching, now is the time to read and learn as much as you can about the childbirth process. You’ve already made the decision to birth in your home, so you know your space will be calm, relaxing, and optimized for the birth you desire. As...
by Danielle Lasher | Home Birth
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to give birth? Sure, what woman hasn’t, right? But have you ever entertained the idea of birthing at home, without a doctor, perhaps even without a midwife? There are different types of home birth—from unassisted to...