by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
One of the most intimate, raw and life-changing events of any woman’s life is the birth of her baby. In today’s culture, the overwhelming majority of pregnant women say they are planning for a natural birth, but far less than half will achieve it. Which is why we’re...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
The decision to have a home birth is an exciting one! Taking control of your birth experience, increasing your likelihood of a natural birth, and birthing in an intimate and familiar environment are just a few of the amazing benefits you will enjoy. However, it’s true...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
When making the decision to have a home birth, or while working on your home birth plan, it’s natural for your mind to drift immediately to the pain factor. Whether this is your first birth or not, we can all expect some degree of pain during childbirth. Choosing to...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
The idea of a home birth is appealing to many mommas. In fact, recent birth statistics show over a 70% rise in planned out-of-hospital births since 2004. Home birth allows for mommas to experience birth as it was since the beginning of time. It increases the success...
by Alli Wittbold | Home Birth
Cord blood banking is a buzz phrase we are hearing more and more surrounding birth. The reason? Blood found in your baby’s umbilical cord is full of stem cells that could possibly be used to cure your baby or family member of disease someday. However, the vast...