When we find out we’re pregnant, so many thoughts, ideas, and questions are swirling around in our heads! After all, it is the scariest, most exciting time in our lives! It gives us so much to look forward to, but with all the excitement, it can be hard to figure out what to do next! Find out EVERYTHING you need to think about and do as soon as you find out you’re pregnant

Finding a healthcare provider, planning details of your pregnancy/birth, and financial planning are just a few of the many things you should take into consideration when you find out you are pregnant. I will go over everything with you in this article.

1. Find a healthcare provider

When you first get the exciting news that you’re pregnant, it’s so natural to start thinking about baby names, picturing your baby and wondering what the sex is, but all those things will come later!

One of the first things to decide on is a health care provider.

Before you can make that decision, first you have to decide on what type of care you want.

Do you want to see a regular OBGYN (Obstetric Gynecologist) or a midwife throughout your pregnancy, labor, and delivery? Making up your mind should be a little easier once you read this!

Here’s how to find a reputable and experienced provider:

Word of mouth

This is always going to be the most effective method since you get opinions from moms who have been there and know from experience. You can ask close friends, co-workers, social media, and even random mommas.

The beauty of word of mouth is that you are getting stories from non-biased women who will most likely tell you their honest opinion about their OBGYN or midwife. Be sure to record your data so that you can go back and compare results to help you choose the best one in your area


Once you narrow down your choices, then it’s time to research the remaining providers on your list.

You can google them, read reviews, see awards and accomplishments, etc. After doing your research it should be clear who you want to provide care to you and your unborn child.

NOTE: Become familiar with your insurance coverage to ensure that any midwife service you choose is covered.

Knowing that you are making the best choice for your needs and wants will give you the peace of mind and confidence to get you through this 9-month roller coaster ride!

2. Midwife vs. OB care: Which is right for you?

Deciding on a midwife or OBGYN care should be something that you consider. After all, this will play a huge role in the birthing experience you have.

I regret that I didn’t put any thought into it now because I would have done things differently.

All-in-all just do the very best for you and your little bundle of joy. Figuring out what is best can be confusing but it’s all about knowing what YOU want because this is your experience, YOU are the one in control.

One thing you DON’T want to do is to jump into a decision without clearly knowing your options since this is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

What is an OBGYN?

An OBGYN (Obstetrician Gynecologist) is a medical professional that is trained in women’s health and reproduction.

Before you choose an OBGYN, take into consideration that they normally deliver in hospitals, and just a forewarning, they aren’t usually trained in natural, uncomplicated births.

On the plus side, they are trained to manage and treat any birth complications that may arise.

If you choose an OBGYN, talk with them about their availability.

I will tell you from experience, if you go into labor on the weekend, you may be in for a big surprise when your doctor isn’t available and a doctor you’ve never met walks in to deliver your baby. This was the case with 3 of my 4 children.

My OBGYN delivered one of my children, and it happened to be my youngest. Nothing is scarier than being in labor and expecting the doctor you have become familiar with for the past 9 months to walk in and instead, a doctor you have never laid eyes on and know nothing about walks in to deliver your most prized possession.

You may consider an OBGYN if you:

  • know you want a doctor to care for you throughout your labor and delivery
  • want an epidural during labor
  • want as little interaction with your healthcare provider as possible before giving birth
  • are at high risk for complications during pregnancy (pregnant with multiples, diabetes, first child, complications in a previous pregnancy, etc.)

What is a Midwife?

A midwife, on the other hand, is a medical professional trained specifically in the prenatal, maternity, and post-partum care of a woman.

There are many different types of midwives, for instance, CNM (Certified Nurses Midwives), direct entry midwives, and CPM (certified professional midwives), just to name a few.

A CNM is the most common type of midwife. They are registered nurses who are specially trained in maternity care, labor, and delivery.

Unlike an OBGYN, a midwife’s training is focused around natural birth and they tend to have a keen eye for spotting complications early, allowing them to refer you to an OBGYN if medically necessary.

If you decide you want a midwife, consider where you want to give birth first because some midwives only deliver babies in hospital where others deliver in birthing centers and/or in the home.

You may consider a midwife if you:

  • have a low-risk pregnancy.
  • want as much involvement from your healthcare provider as possible throughout your pregnancy.
  • want it to be as natural as possible.
  • prefer not to deliver your baby in a hospital.

3. Location: Hospital, birth center, or home

Location, location, location!! A very important decision you must make! Do you want to have a traditional hospital birth, or will you break the cycle?

There are plenty of risks and benefits to each choice you have. Weighing the pros and cons early on can help you form an educated decision on where you want to bring your baby into the world.

Home birth

Home birth gives you the absolute most flexibility compared to the other two choices. A home birth is, of course, where you give birth in the comfort of your own home, with the help of a midwife. With this option, you can plan every aspect of your labor and delivery.

Although only 1% of women choose to give birth in their home, the numbers have been on the rise since 2004, rising 77% by 2017. (Source) That’s amazing. It proves that more and more women are being empowered to take the driver’s seat of this thing and make it the best it can be.

Home birth may be right for you if you

  • don’t want any medical intervention such as pain medication, induction of labor, augmentation of labor, etc.
  • have always dreamed of having a natural birth
  • desire to give birth in the comfort of your own home surrounded by loving family members (or no family, it’s on you!)
  • want to lower your risk of c-section
  • have an overall low-risk pregnancy

For more on homebirth, including all the pros and cons of homebirth, check out this article.

Hospital birth

It’s no wonder that hospitals are the most popular place to give birth seeing that they are readily available almost everywhere, plus they have all the necessary equipment in case complications arise.

Women feel safe there so they typically put no thought into location, even though location can really make or break your experience.

To further assist you, here are some pros and cons of giving birth in a hospital.


  • It’s the safest option for high-risk pregnancies.
  • If you end up needing a c-section, you are already where you need to be to receive emergency care.
  • Easy access to pain relieving medication.
  • Around the clock food and assistance after giving birth.


  • Hospitals can seem impersonal and intimidating.
  • Little privacy.
  • Routine separation from your newborn, whether you like it or not.
  • You must adhere to hospital rules even when it’s involving you or your child. (You don’t have the freedom to do as you please.)
  • Higher risk of c-section
  • Higher risk of infection for mom.
  • Not a lot of time to rest. Hospital staff keep mom up around the clock to record stools, feedings, and wet diapers, as well as monitoring the baby.

Birth Center

Delivering your baby in a birth center is second best to home birth. It’s a medical facility that specializes in childbirth, kind of like a hospital, only it is more homelike and less restrictive than a hospital.

Birth centers completely support natural birth and are usually staffed by midwives and, on some occasions, OBGYNs.

They are safer than hospitals and have a much lower c-section rate. Plus they are about as close to home as you can get without actually doing it at home.

You should consider a birth center if you:

  • want to have a home birth but don’t want to go into detail in explaining the situation to your other children.
  • you want more medical equipment than you’d have in a home birth but fewer restrictions than a hospital.
  • you’re going the natural route.
  • you wanted a hospital birth but decided you want to avoid all the possible unnecessary interventions.

4. Check your insurance coverage

One of the very first things to do when you find out you’re pregnant is to make sure you have insurance to cover you throughout your pregnancy.

Insurance coverage

If you already have insurance coverage through work or by other means, great! If you are satisfied with your insurance coverage, this is a step you can skip.

If not, you should begin thinking about which insurance you want, researching different companies, and getting quotes.

Sometimes, the state you live in will provide Medicaid to eligible individuals. Be sure to check there first!

5. Natural birth vs. interventional

Have you always imagined a natural childbirth experience, free of pain medication and restrictions? Or do you see yourself in a hospital bed with IVs and an epidural?

Every momma is unique and will experience childbirth in her own way. As long as you are aware there is a choice, the choice is yours to make!

What is natural birth?

You guessed it! Natural birth is childbirth with no medication, no intervention, just momma and nature, and of course, anything else her heart desires!

Natural childbirth uses techniques such as relaxation, aromatherapy, and breathing exercises to control labor pains.

During natural childbirth, pain can be used as a guide, allowing you to choose different positions and activities in response to the pain to increase your comfort.

Just to ease your mind a little, there are PLENTY of pain relieving techniques that work miracles and don’t involve drugs! Just check out this article –>> 8 Must-Try Pain Management Tips for a Natural Home Birth to see all the options for pain relief during natural birth.

Consider going natural if you:

  • want full, coherent control over your labor and delivery.
  • don’t want your baby to be introduced to drugs during the birthing process.
  • want to feel a sense of accomplishment when looking back.
  • want your baby alert and ready to breastfeed as soon as they’re born.

What is an interventional birth?

Interventional birth is childbirth in which a doctor or midwife directly intervenes with the natural birthing process.

This could take place in the form of induction of labor, episiotomy, and assisted delivery with forceps or a vacuum cup, just to name a few.

Anything that alters natural childbirth is an intervention, and while some are necessary to save lives, interventions have become commonplace.

Routine interventions, without cause for concern, can change a normal process into a surgical procedure. One intervention can lead to the need for other interventions. This is called a cascade of intervention.

You may need an interventional birth if you:

  • have a high-risk pregnancy. (Diabetes, kidney problems, high blood pressure.)
  • are having multiples.
  • are over 41 weeks of pregnancy with no signs of labor.

Even if you do need an intervention, talk to our doctor about limiting them to as few interventions as possible because each one has the potential to cause harm.

6. Will you hire a doula?

One thing you should consider for sure is whether you want to hire a doula. They can benefit you and baby in a multitude of ways, read on to learn how these amazing individuals can make your birth that much better!

What is a doula?

The word “Doula” is actually a Greek word meaning woman’s servant so it’s no surprise they are there solely for the expectant momma.

A doula is trained in childbirth and provides emotional and physical support to mom, while also teaching her about the process at the same time.

They are usually there for you from about 7 months, throughout labor, and even after birth.

The main purpose of a doula is to empower momma-to-be to have a memorable and personalized birthing experience to look back on and be truly proud of.

Also super beneficial during natural childbirth because they help provide pain relief through various techniques including breathing, relaxation, and massage.

Benefits of a doula

Hiring a doula can benefit mom and baby in so many ways! Here are a few findings from one study:

Woman who were accompanied by a doula during pregnancy and birth:

  • Were less likely to use pain medications during labor.
  • Had a lower c-section rate.
  • Were 4X less likely to have a child with low birth weight.
  • Were more likely to begin breastfeeding.
  • Were 2X less likely to have any type of birthing complications involving mom or baby.

How much does a doula cost?

You can’t put a price on an amazing, memorable, almost euphoric child birth!

But if you want to know how much you will spend to get this priceless experience, you can expect to spend around $1,200 with a range from $800-2,500 depending on where you live.

To find a doula near you, go to doulamatch.net. Simply type in your area code and due date to see all doula’s in your area, as well as their fee, contact information, and certifications.

Once you decide on hiring a doula you make sure you ask as many questions as possible to make sure you are choosing the right one to support you during your birth.

7. Create a birth plan

Creating a birth plan during pregnancy is crucial! Every, (and I mean EVERY) momma-to-be needs a birth plan!

A birth plan is a plan that communicates detailed wishes for your pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

It allows you to write down your ideal birthing experience to the T, and hopefully, if everything goes as planned, it will happen exactly as it is written!

When should I create my birth plan?

Starting your birth plan too early might not work out, especially if you are taking birth classes.

Due to crazy changes in your hormones, you can also change your mind a million times before the big day. That’s why it is best to wait until about 28 weeks along before you begin.

Benefits of a birth plan

Do you usually go into something THIS BIG without some sort of plan? Just go in and try to wing it? NO! Birth is no different, except that it is much bigger than everything else we plan on a daily basis.

Childbirth should go the way you want it to go. It is your experience and it should be something you plan every detail of and that is the #1 benefit of creating a birth plan.

Here are some reasons you need a birth plan:

  • A birth plan allows you to share your wishes with your doctor or midwife before going into labor to be sure they know all your wishes prior to labor and delivery.
  • It puts your wishes in writing so that, during labor, you aren’t being asked a million questions.
  • It allows you to research every option for birth and delivery you ever could imagine beforehand so you can truly be educated enough to make the choices that will benefit you and your baby the most.

What to include in your birth plan:

There is SO much you should include in your birth plan. It’s personalized to your wishes but here are some things usually included in a birth plan to help get you started.

  • Who you want in the room during delivery.
  • Where you stand with intervention: pain relief methods, fetal heart rate monitoring, induction of labor, method of assisted birth (if the need arises), etc.
  • If you plan to use a birth pool during labor, be sure to add that in.
  • Other things you plan to use like birth balls, bean bags, etc.
  • How you want the placenta to be delivered. Naturally or induced?
  • Who you want to cut the umbilical cord (if this is important to you).
  • What you want to be done with the placenta and umbilical cord.
  • Skin-to-skin contact directly after giving birth is something desirable to include in your birth plan, especially if you plan to give birth at home or in a birth center.
  • The wish to breastfeed or bottle feed should be included to be sure no formula is given to your baby after birth if that is your wish.
  • Anything else that is important for your doctor or midwife to know before the big day should be included in your birth plan.

Note: Be sure to share your birth plan with your doctor or midwife, as well as your birthing partner so everyone is on the same page.

8. First appointment

One of the first things you are faced with, after finding a health care provider, is scheduling your very first appointment.

You should schedule your first appointment as soon as you get a positive result and find a healthcare provider.

No matter when you call, they usually schedule the appointment between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.

What will this appointment consist of?

This first appointment will most likely be one of your longest appointments. You will have to fill out paper work, answer family medical history questions, get your blood drawn, as well as get a physical (which includes a pap smear, cultures, and possibly an ultrasound, depending on your doctor).

What do you need to take to your first appointment?

Don’t be like me and be under-prepared for your first appointment! It doesn’t help speed things up at all. Here is a short list of things to take with you that will make the first appointment go smooth.

  • All documents you may need including insurance card, drivers license, social security card, etc.
  • A list of questions to ask your doctor or midwife that addresses any concerns you or your spouse may have about the pregnancy, or anything else.
  • A list of medications you are currently taking.
  • Date of your last menstrual cycle.

9. Attend online or in class childbirth classes

Childbirth classes can be a lifesaver for first-time moms and vets alike. They teach you everything you need to know to make labor and delivery easier on you so you don’t go into it not knowing what you’re in for.

What do childbirth classes teach you?

What you learn in your childbirth education classes depends on what stage of pregnancy you are currently in. For instance, at the beginning of pregnancy, you are taught nutrition, health, exercise, and fetal development. Basically, everything to get you started with a healthy pregnancy.

Toward the end, the focus shifts to teaching about labor, delivery, and how to care for mom and baby after giving birth.

All birth education classes welcome dads in the mix as well so that both parents are learning the best way to handle pregnancy, labor, and delivery and mom isn’t doing it on her own.

If that’s not an option, you can always drag your best friend along with you!

Online or in person class?

If you’ve looked into child birth classes, you probably know you have the option of online classes as well as in-person, depending on if classes are available in your area.

It’s great we have both options because that allows everyone to have access to them since they are sometimes hard to find. Online you are guaranteed to find a class that suits you no matter where you live!

Online classes are perfect for moms who:

  • have a tight schedule with little free time.
  • have no options for childbirth classes in their area.
  • are on bedrest and can’t make it to class.
  • want to pace themselves and learn on their own time.

If this sounds like you, online classes like the Mama Natural Birth Course could be perfect for you!

In-person birth classes are great for momma’s who:

  • want hands on training and education.
  • tend to procrastinate and don’t think they’ll do well with online classes.
  • want their partner to be actively involved.
  • want direct communication with the instructor so they can ask questions and discuss concerns.

10. Find a pediatrician

Before your little bundle of joy arrives, one thing you must decide on is who you want your pediatrician to be.

If you already have children, chances are you already have the one you trust. If you don’t already have one, then it’s time to do your homework.

Finding a pediatrician shouldn’t be too difficult since almost all cities and towns have at least one.

If you are one of the exceptions, look for pediatricians in the nearest city.

How to find a great pediatrician

Just like when you’re looking finding a health care provider for yourself when searching for a pediatrician, you want to look for the best one in your area. Read reviews, ask fellow momma’s who they use and what they like about that particular doctor and get your own take on them.

You can even go as far as visiting their practice to see how well they are set up for children, get a feel of the atmosphere, as well as chat with some of the nurses or staff members.

Moms have a special intuition about things like that. If you leave feeling good about it, that’s probably the one for you, and if you have doubts, note them and continue looking until you find one that suits you!

11. Schedule your maternity leave

Working moms, one thing you should plan early is when you plan to take your maternity leave and, of course, when you plan to go back.

When will you schedule your leave?

This will vary from person to person depending on their jobs and how their lives are set up.

Some women schedule their leave for weeks before their due-dates, however, this shortens the length of time you have with your baby after giving birth.

You can schedule your leave anytime after you find out your due date.

Before you go on leave, familiarize yourself with your company’s leave policy to ensure you are doing everything right so your job is right where you left it when you return.

How long should you stay on leave?

All moms are guaranteed 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected maternity leave thanks to the FMLA, but most mommas sadly, have to return much sooner than that since the bills don’t stop.

You can’t judge how birth/parenthood will affect you until it happens so it’s hard to say how long you will need to recover.

A good place to start is by looking at your company’s maternity leave policy to help you figure out if you have paid maternity leave and for how long.

If it’s not paid, don’t worry. You may still be able to use other resources like vacation, sick days, and/or short-term disability.

When to talk to your boss:

Most women talk to their bosses toward the end of the 1st trimester or beginning of the 2nd trimester (12-15 weeks) to leave time for the 1st appointment and get a due date so you are able to plan a date for your leave.

Planning to talk to your boss about your pregnancy can bring A LOT of anxiety but doing it early can save a headache for you and your company. After all, it’s better for them to hear the news from you rather than from co-workers/colleagues, or because they realize your belly is getting bigger.

No matter when you decide to tell your boss, do it before your bump becomes noticeable!

Nothing is set in stone and anything can happen throughout pregnancy so be sure to update your boss on any new situations that may affect your job.

Benefits of planning your leave:

In a world of uncertainty, it can be hard to peg down a specific date to take leave whenever it’s nine months in the future but having a date set actually benefits everyone involved.

  • It allows you to make the best of your maternity leave.
  • There are no surprises for your employer.
  • It gives everyone time to prepare for your absence.
  • It informs you more about your company because you learn about their leave policy as well as their benefits (vacation, short-term disability, sick days).
  • It gives you a date to look forward to.

12. Childcare/daycare

Contemplating child care can be super stressful! This is your baby and you are the one put here to protect and care for him/her, so their safety is in your hands and seeing all the horror stories in the news doesn’t make it any easier!

It’s scary trusting strangers with your baby’s life, especially when they’re that small.

Whether you plan to choose a daycare facility, family child care, or a baby sitter, there are numerous things to consider.

One thing you will do no matter what you decide is to visit your options, interview staff, and be very attentive and observative to be sure you notice every detail.

What type of childcare are you looking for?

Day care facility

I understand that it can be truly hard to find a quality daycare to trust with your child but they are out there.

The hard part is finding them because you must put forth the time and effort to find the very best one so you don’t drive yourself crazy wondering if your baby is ok at all hours of your workday.

To go about finding the very best one, you have to do some work.

Here are some things to consider during your search:

  • When you visit the facility, pay close attention to how staff members interact with the children.
  • Get the facilities policies like their nutrition plan, the amount of TV allowed per day, sleep/nap schedule, forms of punishment, and what the policy is on sick children; will they lose their spot? how many days are they allowed to miss? etc.
  • Turn-over rate of children and staff alike. If you notice the staff have been there for a while and there are returning children, that is a great sign!
  • Take the visit as an opportunity to meet other parents who bring their child there. Maybe you could link up with them later and find out their take on the daycare.
  • Ask around before making any decisions, a simple inquiry can tell you everything you need to know to make up your mind on a particular facility.

In-home baby sitter

If you choose to go the route of an in-home baby sitter, you can choose to look for one to babysit in your home, or you can choose one that babysits out of their home.

Either way, one crucial thing you need to do is an interview! Get a feel of the person that will be providing care to your baby.

There are many things you should cover in your interview like:

  • Availability. Will they be there on short notice if an emergency or something unplanned pops up? What days and hours are they not available?
  • How long have you been babysitting? The longer the better, and more experience they will have.
  • Transportation. Whether they babysit in your home or in their own home, transportation is important for emergencies, getting back and forth to work, and anything else you require like taking them to doctors appointments.
  • What age group are you most experienced in? Baby sitters care for ages ranging from newborn to 13 years. One babysitter may have more experience with older children rather than newborns. Look for one that has plenty of experience with the age group your child is in.
  • What activities do you enjoy doing with kids? This will give you an idea of what type of person they are and how they will benefit your child.
  • How do you normally deal with behavior problems? Everyone goes about discipline differently. Some people scold, some use time-out and other methods, as well as simply talking to the child. Be sure to communicate how you do or don’t want your child disciplined. (Which you won’t have to worry about for a while, but it’ll be here before you know it!)
  • If they will be babysitting in their home, you also need to know about pets, smoke, and other people who will be around your child (including other children they babysit).

If they will be babysitting in your home, inform them of all important household rules that pertain to them like no smoking, no sweets, TV regulations, and everything that is important for them to know before taking the job.

Encourage babysitter candidates to express any concerns or ask any questions they may have. Communication is key!

Family child care

This option is a little more mellow than the other two. Chances are, if someone in your family is babysitting your baby, you already know them well.

When family is babysitting, they can sometimes get too comfortable and start disregarding your wishes. To avoid this, sit down and write out rules for them. If you do this, it makes it easier for them to go back and look at it to remind themselves what is or isn’t OK.

Let’s be honest, family typically feels as if they should be able to make decisions for your baby. That’s why it is important to express the importance of your rules to them and even possibly go into detail as to why you do or don’t want something taking place.

The great thing about having family care for your child is that you can rest assured they are being taken care of, call anytime you get the urge and let your baby miss as many days as you like!

13. Creating/organizing the nursery or sleep area

Now for the fun part! This is where you get to put your own personal touch on design to create the perfect space for your little one. Whether it’s small or large there are so many things you can do to personalize it and make it just for baby.

The necessities:

Big or small, there are some things you must include to complete the sleep space.

A place to sleep is #1

Usually, during the first few months, we want our babies as close to us as possible since we get up all times of night feeding, changing diapers, and monitoring our babies.

Bassinets and baby boxes work wonders for this purpose!

Do you want a bassinet?

Bassinets are cradle-like beds that work perfectly from newborn to about 4 months and they are great for small or large spaces, plus they give baby the comfiest spot in the house to sleep.

A bassinet like this one is perfect for a small space and it’s designed to make moms life easier because it is also an organizer! It gives you plenty of space for diapers, wipes, clothes, and anything else you may need (all without leaving your room!)

What about a baby box?

The name “baby box” may put a funny image in your head but they are actually extremely beneficial to moms of newborns!

They are portable, sturdy, cardboard box designed for a baby to safely sleep in.

The idea came from Finland in 1938 and was initially designed to decrease mortality rates in babies and they did just that! (More on that here.)

Now they are available in the US online! Check out this cute baby box on Amazon! It’s packed with goodies like diapers, wipes, bottles, and more!

There aren’t enough studies on these boxes to say with certainty that they are indeed safer for your baby but they are awesome for small spaces and have an added benefit of being very easily transportable.

A baby box is not ideal if you have pets as they will have easy access to your baby in the baby box.

You should also choose a set space for the baby box to sit to avoid it being set somewhere high up where it can easily be knocked over.

Organization is #2

If you don’t choose a baby bed that already has an organizer built in, then another thing you will need is means of organization. Here are some things that may help you:

This simple, over-the-door organizer is all you need for organizing your baby’s things! It has plenty of space for diapers, wipes, snacks, toys, etc.

The best thing about this organizer is that it doesn’t take up any space and you won’t even see it because it hangs behind the door so if you are short on space, this is perfect for you!

If you need something a little closer, this organizer hangs over the side of the crib or changing table, which puts it right where you need it!

Clothes storage is also crucial!

Having a new baby means you will have a ton of new clothes, some of which you will never even get to try on your baby because they grow so fast at that stage!

Regardless, you will need space to put all the clothes! If you are like me, your closet space is extremely limited so using a separate space for clothes can be helpful.

This fabric storage organizer is absolutely perfect for storing clothes and accessories plus it doesn’t use a lot of space!

The plastic 3 drawer organizers like these also work wonders for this purpose!

Once you stock your nursery or sleep area with these three things everything else depends on what you want! The rest is up to you!

Good Luck Momma!!

Once you work your way through this list, you will have the hard part out of the way! I have found that when you organize your thoughts and plans, it tends to take the bulk of stress off of you and also helps things go according to plan (or at least along the same lines!)

Before doing anything else, make sure you pin this article so you can come back to it as much as you want!

I hope I could help!

I also created a printable checklist of the things you need to do as soon as you find out you are pregnant so you can check them off as you go!!

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