Hello and Welcome,
I’m Melissa, an Occupational Therapist by trade, wife, and mother of soon to be 5 wonderful children. My professional career was put on hold with the birth of my oldest child. My path to becoming a stay at home mom began as a financial decision as I thoroughly enjoyed my OT career! Becoming a mom has become my new career and I could not ask for a better job.
Our family began the natural parenting journey while expecting our oldest, “T”. Originally we chose to cloth diaper as a financial decision. Little did we know it would lead us further down the path of raising our children as naturally as possible while still embracing our medical professions. With every pregnancy we had a different delivery with always the same desire and goal, a natural child birth.
Upon learning we were expecting our first child, I yearned for the most natural child birth and dreamed of a home birth. My husband, a pharmacist, is a very medically minded individual and feared an out-of-hospital birth. So we began this journey with a hospital birth that was never intended to be as natural as I desired.
After 3 hospital births and 3 failed attempts of a natural child birth I convinced my husband to get on board with delivering our fourth child in a birth center. It was everything I envisioned child birth to be! My experience ultimately washed away all of the self doubt and trauma my hospital births had brought. It was through this experience we were brought to the desire to grow our family by one more and bring this baby into the world in our own home.
My journey of going from hospital births to a birth center birth and finally fulfilling my dream of a home birth led me to want to write about our experience as parents and embracing nature through organic gardening, cloth diapering, essential oils, and natural fiber clothing. Hence, NaturalHomeMomma.com was born.